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At UP, we place great importance on fostering camaraderie and recognizing the invaluable contributions of our staff, as it is integral to our company culture. Our birthday celebrations provide a unique opportunity to honour team members and strengthen the bond that unites us. Recently, Universal Peak Sdn Bhd organized a remarkable birthday potluck celebration for all April, May and June babies to celebrate their special birthday with us!

The event was also an avenue for a small farewell ceremony for Izyan Syazwani, who served as a Personal Assistant at Comfort Alliance Sdn Bhd, a valued business partner of Universal Peak Sdn Bhd. During this farewell, Mr. Shaqeel Prakash Abdullah, Chief Technology Officer, delivered an appreciation speech highlighting the staff's journey within our Group of Companies. Miss Izyan expressed gratitude for the growth and skill development opportunities provided by the organization. As a token of appreciation for her significant contributions and hard work, a thoughtful gift was presented.

Next, Mr. Raj Kumar, Managing Director of Universal Peak Sdn Bhd, took the opportunity to congratulate the Sabah Business Visit team, who successfully marketed our UP's products and services during their trip. Additionally, Mr. Vinod, one of our staff members and a new father, received a baby hamper as an appreciation token. The celebration also included acknowledging the birthdays of other staff members, allowing everyone to enjoy delicious food while fostering communication and connection.

The potluck birthday celebration truly exemplified our company's commitment to cultivating a positive and inclusive workplace culture. By incorporating personalized surprises and heartfelt recognition, we created an atmosphere of joy, appreciation, and unity. These celebrations serve as a reminder of the value we place on our staff and the importance of fostering meaningful connections within our organization.